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Thank you for your interest! Click on each thumbnail to see the full example of each project. Please note, designs for projects were not professionally created.

Garden Ecology Resource Guide

Across the United States, garden-based teaching is experiencing a renaissance. Yet while many classrooms are moving to the garden, teachers could use extra help tying the set science curriculum to garden activities. Therefore, I set out to discover how educators are currently using traditional gardens to teach ecology. Many of the ideas shared with me are compiled into a Garden Ecology Resource Guide. Please download and share!

Mountain Monarch Festival at Gorges State Park

During September, thousands of monarchs make their way across western North Carolina on their annual migration routes to wintering grounds in Mexico. In honor of their passage, Gorges State Park partnered with Monarch Watch to bring a few monarch caterpillars to pupate and release in the park, and then held a public festival.


I designed this placard to accompany the monarch caterpillars and crysallises in the Visitor's Center so visitors could learn about the the caterpillars.


I designed the Monarch Passport, a youth activity during the festival; they received a passport, which could be hung around their necks on a string. Students would answer a question about monarchs at each festival booth and receive a butterfly stamp. When the passport was full, they earned a prize!

Mountain Monarch Festival Gorges State Park Placard
Monarch Passport, Mountain Monarch Festival
Monarch Passport back, Mountain Monarch Festival

Social Media Posts for Muddy Sneakers

Muddy Sneakers is a hands-on science learning experience for 5th grade students in NC. As a non-profit, their voice is mission-focused and educational.


Muddy Sneakers engaged me to contribute to weekly thematics posts in two categories: New Word Wednesday and Recent Expeditions. I also contributed lengthier picture posts on special occasions, such as Valentine's Day.

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